Wa State Licensed Mh Counselor Continuing Ed Requirements

- Provider: Washington Mental Health Counselors Association (WMHCA)
- ProviderID: 2079
- ContactName:Sara Oppler
- Address: 11410 NE 124
- Suite 658
- Kirkland, WA, 98034
- Phone:(508)779-6422
- Email:sara@wmhca.org

- Provider: Antioch University Seattle, Clinical Mental Health Counseling Department
- ProviderID: 3075
- ContactName:Maria Gonzalez, Ph.D.
- Address: 2400 3rd Avenue, Suite 200
- Seattle, WA, 98121
- Phone:(206) 441-5352
- Email:eberzins@antioch.edu

- Provider: Gonzaga University, Department of Counselor Education
- ProviderID: 4509
- ContactName:Melanie Person
- Address: 502 E Boone Ave
- Spokane, WA, 99258-0025
- Phone:(509)313-3848
- Email:person@gonzaga.edu

- Provider: WA Council for Behavioral Health
- ProviderID: 5849
- ContactName:Alison Avery
- Address: 600 Stewart St Ste 202
- Seattle, WA, 98101-1217
- Phone:(206)628-4608 x 12
- Email:aavery@thewashingtoncouncil.org

- Provider: Behavioral Tech, LLC
- ProviderID: 5885
- ContactName:Alexis Karlson
- Address: 1107 NE 45th Street
- Suite 230
- Seattle, WA, 98105
- Phone:(206)675-8588 x131
- Email:CE@behavioraltech.org

- Provider: QPR Institute
- ProviderID: 5889
- ContactName:Paul Quinnett
- Address: PO Box 2867
- Spokane, WA, 99220
- Phone:(888)726-7926
- Email:qinstitute@qwestoffice.net

- Provider: Washington Pastoral Counseling Association (WPCA)
- ProviderID: 5959
- ContactName:Jerry Smith
- Address: 5236 N. 10th St.
- Tacoma, WA, 98406
- Phone:(253)752-9112
- Email:paula@fredandpaula.com

- Provider: Leticia Nieto, Psy.D.
- ProviderID: 6141
- ContactName:Garth Johnson
- Address: 1004 Wilson St SE
- Olympia, WA, 98501
- Phone:(360)754-6053
- Email:cuetzpalin@aol.com

- Provider: Northwest Family Life Learning and Counseling Center
- ProviderID: 6300
- ContactName:Nancy A. Murphy
- Address: 12360 Lake City Way NE, Suite 420
- Seattle, WA, 98125
- Phone:(206)363-9601
- Email:nmurphy@nwfamilylife.org

- Provider: GoodTherapy.org
- ProviderID: 6380
- ContactName:Eli Levich
- Address: 2103 Harrison Ave, NW #2-347
- Olympia, WA, 98502
- Phone:(888)563-2112 x40
- Email:ce@goodtherapy.org

- Provider: Lifespan Integration, LLC
- ProviderID: 6473
- ContactName:Peggy Pace, MA, LMHC, LMFT
- Address: 2014 Fir Street
- Port Townsend, WA, 98368
- Phone:(425) 363-2131
- Email:ppace@LifespanIntegration.com

- Provider: Cascadia Training
- ProviderID: 6475
- ContactName:Brian Andersen
- Address: 1122 E Pike St #1355
- Seattle, WA, 98122
- Phone:206-441-6892
- Email:cascadia.training@gmail.com

- Provider: Northwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NWATTC)
- ProviderID: 6531
- ContactName:Jennifer Verbeck
- Address: University of Washington
- 1107 NE 45th Street, Suite 120, Box 354805
- Seattle, WA, 98105
- Phone:(206) 685-4419
- Email:jverbeck@uw.edu

- Provider: Envision Counseling, LLC
- ProviderID: 6724
- ContactName:Dena Farrell
- Address: 22125 17th Ave SE,
- Bldg F, Suite 101
- Bothell, WA, 98021
- Phone:206-858-1177
- Email:dena@envisioncounseling.net

- Provider: Joseph A. Shaub, J.D., M.A.
- ProviderID: 6729
- ContactName:Joseph Shaub
- Address: 10940 NE 33 Pl, Ste 109
- Bellevue, WA, 98004
- Phone:206-587-0417
- Email:joe@josephshaub.com

- Provider: ConstantEdu
- ProviderID: 6767
- ContactName:Eric Strom
- Address: 150 Nickerson Street, Suite 303
- Seattle, WA, 98109
- Phone:206-295-0076
- Email:eric@strom-consulting.com

- Provider: Suzanne Apelskog of Life's Learning for Counselors
- ProviderID: 6786
- ContactName:Suzanne Apelskog
- Address: 1317 W. Dawn Ave.
- Spokane, WA, 99208
- Phone:509-868-4027
- Email:SuzanneA@lifeslearning.org

- Provider: Family Therapy & Recovery P.S.
- ProviderID: 6995
- ContactName:Nicole Turner
- Address: 15 S. Grady Way, Suite 249
- Renton, WA, 98057
- Phone:2532209452
- Email:nturner@familytherapyrecovery.com

- Provider: The Recovery Village Ridgefield
- ProviderID: 7009
- ContactName:Savannah Eckstrom
- Address: 888 Hillhurst Rd.
- Ridgefield, WA, 98642
- Phone:(321) 231-0791
- Email:Atate@advancedrecoverysystems.com

- Provider: Northwest Creative & Expressive Arts Institute
- ProviderID: 7014
- ContactName:Dr. Ellen K. Carruth
- Address: P.O. Box 33032
- Seattle , WA, 98133
- Phone:(206)605-5995
- Email:ellen.carruth@gmail.com

- Provider: Mindful Ecotherapy Center
- ProviderID: 7022
- ContactName:Charlton Hall
- Address: 216 Rhubarb ST SW
- Pacific, WA, 98047
- Phone:(864)384-2388
- Email:chuck@minfulecotherapy.com

- Provider: Family Essentials Counseling
- ProviderID: 7024
- ContactName:Elizabeth Campbell
- Address: 721 N Pines Rd Ste 102
- Spokane Valley, WA, 99216
- Phone:(509)892-1100
- Email:Liz@fecounseling.org

- Provider: Washington State Association for Play Therapy
- ProviderID: 7052
- ContactName:Daisy Surjo Vergara
- Address: PO Box 2563
- Silverdale, WA, 98383
- Phone:(206)651-4548
- Email:info@wa4pt.com

- Provider: DBT in Schools, LLC
- ProviderID: 7064
- ContactName:Julie Giebel
- Address: 1417 NW 54th St #462
- Seattle, WA, 98107
- Phone:(206)779-1265
- Email:info@dbtinschools.com

- Provider: Rehab Seminars
- ProviderID: 7104
- ContactName:Amy Cole
- Address: PO BOX 2450
- Vashon, WA, 98070
- Phone:(206) 749-9995
- Email:info@rehabseminars.org

- Provider: Right To Know
- ProviderID: 7181
- ContactName:Kara Rubinstein Deyerin
- Address: PO Box 925
- Oak Harbor, WA, 98277
- Phone:(253) 693-8585
- Email:info@RightToKnow.us

- Provider: Waypoint Continuing Education Inc.
- ProviderID: 7198
- ContactName:Nicole Turner
- Address: PO BOX 8610
- Tacoma, WA, 98408
- Phone:(253) 220-9452
- Email:paul.hunziker@gmail.com

- Provider: Move Play Thrive
- ProviderID: 7213
- ContactName:Sonia Story
- Address: PO Box 676
- Chimacum, WA, 98325
- Phone:(360) 732-4356
- Email:sonia@moveplaythrive.com

- Provider: Center For Solace PLLC
- ProviderID: 7237
- ContactName:Beky Maxwell
- Address: 407 E 2nd Ave
- Ste 250
- Spokane, WA, 99202
- Phone:(509) 315-9776
- Email:group@centerforsolace.com

- Provider: Washington Association For Children & Families Institute
- ProviderID: 7239
- ContactName:Miriam Simmons
- Address: 8264 Olmstead Lane SE #691
- Snoqualmie, WA, 98065
- Phone:(505) 660-0450
- Email:info@wachildrenandfamilies.org
Source: https://www.nbcc.org/search/ACEP_By_State?statecode=WA
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